Price list

Here you will find information about the price of the service as well as a brief explanation of what is taken into account during its calculation.

Additional charges,  among others:

fuel, marinas


crew, transfers, catering

retrofitting (if necessary)

Fee for nautical miles

4 €

4 €/1 Nm

Price calculated from the planned route.

Highly qualified staff.

Skipper's daily fee

300 - 600 €

Experienced skipper.

Experienced crew.

Negotiable rate for longer removals.

Catering costs for Skipper (or crew)

Daily rate of € 20 per person

Skipper hire €300 - €600/day or €4/1 Nm (charge per nautical mile).

The price depends on the type and size of the yacht, as well as the duration of the service.

Service charges

• fuel costs • costs of consumables (oils, filters, wear parts) • stopping at marinas in the event of bad weather or breakdowns • administrative charges (e.g. dues)

Costs of retrofitting a vessel before departure

We review the equipment needed for the planned route and make a list of needs (if any).

We take an individual approach to each order


Skipper transfer costs (possibly crew)

To the service start point and return.

Costs of hiring a 1-3 person crew if the service lasts longer than 3 days

To ensure the safety and care of the yacht entrusted to you.


Gałczynskiego 53,
Torun 87-100



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